School Admissions
To all our new prospective parents Mr Spooner, our Headteacher, would be delighted to show you our school so please contact the school office on 01235 520456 if you would like to arrange a tour.
We will also be holding some open sessions to visit our Reception unit and meet the Headteacher. Details will follow shortly.
You can also explore our school by viewing our 'virtual tour' which you will find under the 'About Us' tab within the welcome message.
Would it be possible for us to come and look round St Nicolas C.E. Primary School before we apply for a place for our child?
Mr Spooner, our Headteacher, would be delighted to show you our school so please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a tour. You are about to make a most important family decision, and we believe it essential that you learn as much about our school. Please phone the School Office on 01235 520456 to book an appointment with the Head teacher if you would like to learn more.
If you live outside the catchment area, you are still welcome to contact us. We do, however, advise you to visit your own catchment area school as well. This is in line with the policy agreed by all Abingdon Town Primary Head teachers.
Admission Arrangements 2025/26
The formal process for admissions to the school from reception to Year 6 is managed by the Local Authority's Admissions team. For more information, please visit the Oxfordshire County Website. Apply for a school place | Oxfordshire County Council
Please see the Oxfordshire County Council Admission Scheme on the link below for admission criteria.
Standard admission no is: | 60 pupils per year group with +4 in Years 3 to 6 |
Attendance target 2024/25 | 96.7% |
How do I enter my child for admission to St Nicolas C.E. Primary School?
There are specific application forms from the Local Authority (LA) which must be completed for this process to be completed. There are different forms for families applying for Reception or for other year group transfers. Most families apply online but you can get a hard copy of the relevant form sent to you or download it from the county council website
Reception applications | Oxfordshire County Council.
What happens if I move into the area and I would like my child to attend St Nicolas C.E. Primary School?
We are very happy to admit children into the school at any stage in their primary education if a place is available. Please contact the School Office on 01235 520456 to make an appointment to speak with the Head teacher.
How are places at the school decided?
School admission rules | Oxfordshire County Council
In agreement with the School Governors, the Local Authority (LA) have decided that St Nicolas C.E. Primary School may admit up to 60 pupils across the two Reception classes during the current academic year. We have 60 pupils per year group in the infants and up to 64 in years 3 to 6, across 2 classes.
You can apply for a school place on-line at: Apply for a school place | Oxfordshire County Council Please remember that it is the responsibility of parents/carers to apply for a school place. You have the opportunity to list five different preferences for a school place and it is strongly advised that you use more than one preference. If you complete an application online, the County will confirm receipt by email however, If you complete a paper copy, please post the completed form to: Admissions Team, Children, Education and Families, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND
What happens if there are too many applications?
There are specific criteria published by the LA which apply to the allocation of places in an over-subscribed school. You will find these online at: Apply for a school place | Oxfordshire County Council
More information or advice can be given during a visit to the school.
What dates should I be aware of?
For entry to Reception 2025:
- 4th November 2024, On-line applications open.
- 15th January 2025, Deadline for receipt of on-time applications.
- 29th January 2025, Last Date for confirmation of change of address
- 16th April 2025, National Offer day: offer letters sent by second-class post where needed and emails sent to those who applied online.
- 30th April 2025, Closing date for late or amended applications. Closing date to respond to offers made on 16 April and to join continued interests list
- September 2025, Your child will start their primary school. As each school in our county may vary, your school will inform you of their starting date. At St Nicolas C.E. Primary we do 'home visits' & staggered visits’ during the first 2/3 weeks to help your child settle into school.
As this is only a guide, we highly recommend you read through the admissions details on the County Council website.
Can I appeal if my child is not offered a place?
Yes - you have the right of appeal to a local appeals committee if your application for a place for your child is refused by the LA. Details of how to do this will be sent at the time of notification of places by the LA.
OCC Appeal Process: Appealing for a school place | Oxfordshire County Council
Can I defer my child's entry to school?
Children are usually offered a place from the September after their fourth birthday. All children have to be in full time education by the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. Parents of children born between 1 April 2021 and 31 August 2021 can request a delay for their application to be considered for September 2026. More details about the process and how to apply for a deferral can be found on the county website at:
Any decision will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case.
What happens before my child starts school?
Our aim is to make your child's entry to the school as happy and confident as possible. We invite parents to a meeting in June to give more details about the September entry to school. We do ‘home’ visits at the beginning of September and have staggered entry during the first two weeks of September.
Any children joining in other year groups will be offered the opportunity to join our ‘icebreaker’ session to familiarise them with their new school.
Oxfordshire County Council - AdmissionsTel: 0345 241 2487 Fax: 01865 783198 School Admissions Team Ground Floor County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND
Department for Education - Admissions Links to school admission rules and policies page.