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Meet the Governors

Katrina Hancock - Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor)

I'm passionate about ensuring that every child at St Nic's has access to excellent teaching and learning opportunities and that we build a community, together, that puts each child first and encourages them to be their best self. I love working with our team of Governors and sit on both the Resources Committee and Performance and Standards Committee. Both of my children were at St Nic’s and really valued their time at the school which prepared them really well for life at secondary school. I have spent my career in the charity sector working in fundraising and communication, and think that it's important for charities and other not for profit organisations to act with integrity and transparency particularly around governance and financial planning. I'm delighted to be Chair of Governors and to to lead such an enthusiastic and committed team.

Roger Johnson - Parent Governor 

Chair of P&S

I was really please to have been elected as a parent governor at St. Nic's in spring 2021.  My daughter is currently in year 3.  I am the Chair of the Performance and Standards sub-committee, and I am the Governor curriculum link to Maths.  For the day job I am an Associate Professor in Physics at University College London and a visiting academic at the Rutherford Appleton Lab near Didcot, and I am especially passionate about science in education for all.   

Lindsay Dowzall - Parent Governor 

Chair of Resources

I became a parent governor in 2022 and I am part of the Resource Committee and the curriculum link for PE.   I have two children at the school, one in year four and one in year one.  I am very proud to be a Governor at this amazing school and to be part of such a supportive community.  Professionally, I work for Oxford University Press, an educational publisher, within their finance team. 


Katrin Nolland -  Foundation Governor 

I joined the Governing Board in June 2022 and am looking forward to my third year as a Foundation Governor and as part of the Resources Committee; I am also the curriculum link governor for RE. I am excited to support the school in living out its mission to serve the community and families of all faiths and those with no faith at all. Professionally, I work as the Assistant Accountant at Earthwatch Europe, an environmental charity in Oxford which focuses on impacting the next generation and connecting them to nature.


Alistair Weaver - Parent Governor

I joined the Governing Body as a parent governor in 2023 and sit on the resources committee. I believe that enabling access to education for all children is very important. I have 3 children who attend St Nics, all of whom love the school. Professionally, I work at Honda R&D where I head up the strategy and planning function. As governor, I hope to contribute to the positive and enriching environment that has been created for all the children by the St Nics team.



Sue Gibbons – LA Governor

I joined the Governing Board in September 2023 as the Local Authority Governor. My career has been in education and during this time, I have had the privilege of teaching all primary age groups and taught in many differing schools. My desire to see children grow, develop, and learn continues to be a huge part of me. I volunteer for a local charity as an adult support worker, ‘walking alongside’ those who are learning and gaining new confidence. St Nicolas School was also my primary school  I look forward to working alongside the team of Governors as Link Governor for Literacy and Phonics.




Lucy Fortnam-Paynter - Parent Governor

I was  privileged to be  elected as a parent governor at the end of 2023. I am SEND governor, SNSA link and the link for art and design and technology. I have two children at St Nicolas, one in Year two and one in Year five, both of whom love their time at school. Professionally, I am a secondary school English teacher, and my passion lies in enhancing young people's literacy and developing in them a love of reading and writing.  


Ian Fishpool - Co-Opted Governor

I was delighted to have been coopted onto the governing body of St Nicolas School in February 2024. As a retired teacher with 35 years of experience, I hope I bring relevant and necessary skills which will benefit the whole school community. I held a number of posts at Abingdon School including that of Head of Department (geography), a dayboy Housemaster and The Senior teacher. The latter involved a brief that included overseeing the welfare of all staff, teaching and non-teaching, within the school. 

                                                       Having three grown up children of my own (three boys, two of whom are                                                                 teachers) who all attended Long Furlong School, I feel have a good                                                                             understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist in a primary                                                               school.  

                                                      I hope I will bring an understanding of education, a listening and empathetic                                                        ear to the governing body as well as a desire to secure the best possible                                                                  outcomes for all the children at the school.  


Gemma Wilson - Parent Governor

I am delighted to become a Parent Govenor in July 2024.  I am part of the Resources sub-committee, curriculum link for Modern Languages and Governor link for Early Years Foundation Stage. In my professional career I work with businesses in the Space Sector supporting them on their journey for growth. I feel lucky my son,  going into year 3, is so happy at St Nics and am excited to work with the team to continue to drive forward the success of the school.


Andrew Spooner - Headteacher Governor (by right of position in school)

I became Headteacher of St Nicolas in September 2015 after spending 8 years as deputy head at Windmill Primary School in Headington. The school is always looking to improve and every member of the school team understands this. We celebrate the good times and we support each other when times get quite demanding, continuing to learn and develop along the way. When I’m not in school, I have two lovely sons who I always look forward to spending time with alongside the most supportive and wonderful wife. Away from school dynamics, performing in a band for 24 years has been the perfect tonic                                                       in remembering to find time for myself. 

Lorna Page - Staff Governor (elected by teaching staff)

Deputy Headteacher

I joined St. Nicolas in 2008 as a year 1 teacher. I have since taught in different year groups which has given me the opportunity to get to know the children and school well. I am currently the Deputy Head, responsible for Pupil Premium and assessment across the school. St. Nicolas is a fantastic school with a great community and children who are happy and hardworking. I feel lucky to work with such committed and supportive staff and parents. As a staff governor I am involved in working with others to continue the schools                                                         improvement. 


Liz Mathers (SENCO)

Vanessa Chung (School Business Manager) 

Previous Governors 2023

Hugh Price

Kate Daniell

Vicky Drew

Eluned Hallas

Clerk to the Governing Body 

Georgie Clarke

Governor Parent Communication:


Annual Governance Statement 2024

Governor Declaration of Interest
