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Year One

Welcome to Year 1

Our next Success Event will be in Term 1 (date to follow).

Click on our sections to find out more about each Term's learning.

In Year 1, the class teachers are Mrs Swan (Class 3) and Ms Swarbrick (Class 4). We have great TAs supporting our children and their learning in Year 1 with Mrs Wenborn, Mrs Davis, Mrs Hall, Mrs Haines and Mrs Underwood. We're also so lucky to  have Mrs Bower, Mrs Cook and Mrs Mathers teaching on certain days in the year group, and Mrs Leat teaching the year group music every Thursday.

Hello from the Year 1 Team!

Mrs B Swan Class 3 Teacher

General Reminders

  • PE is every Friday for both classes and the children should come to school in their PE kit. Please check Planning Meeting letter below for more details.  
  • Homework is set weekly on a Friday to be due back in the following Wednesday unless specified. All homework is set using their 'Homework Books' so please keep an eye in your child's book bags.
  • Outdoor Learning - Class 3 Tuesdays and Class 4 Wednesdays. Please check Planning Meeting letter below for more details.
  • Water bottles - please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.

Year 1 Learning Cards

Year 1 Welcome Meeting and Planning letter

Tricky Word Bookmarks (common exception words)

Over the year, your child will be continue to learn the following high frequency words. Most of these have an unusual letter-sound correspondence e.g. one, their, because which makes them difficult to read. They are of great importance as these words are used often within texts so will support your child at this early stage of reading. These words are taught by decoding the familiar part of the word and pointing out the unusual part. You can support your child by going through these with them, sticking them around the house on post-it notes and playing games with them such as hide and seek, splat the word, hangman or rainbow writing. Start with your child reading these moving from pink, to red, to yellow and then green, and then work on trying to write them. It is important not to overwhelm your child, so slowly build in an extra word as a new common exception word is learnt. 

Useful Website Links

  • Phonics Play The free login available during covid school closures is no longer available but there are a number of resources on the site which are always free, two week free trials are available and all the comics on the PhonicsPlayComics site remain free (The free jan21/march20 login has been withdrawn) Click on the Free Phonicsplay and then select a game. In Year 1 we are working through phase 3, 4 and 5 phonics.

  • Hungry Little Minds The Hungry Little Minds campaign provides lots of simple tips and activities that you might find useful and that young children will enjoy. The website is aimed at children aged 0-5 years and includes apps that have good educational value.

  • Bing Bunny Have fun making a colourful picture with Bing and Flop.